"Keep It Zen, Friend!" ~ by Claudia A. Barbieri ~

Yoga class is your escape — from outside forces and from daily obstacles.  When you enter the studio, you seek peace, quiet, and rejuvenation in order that you will have the energy to get back on the hamster wheel tomorrow.  Here are a few tips to keep yoga class Zen for yourself and others around you.

1.  Keep your cell phone away from the studio class space.  Instead, keep it in a cubby in which the studio provides or place it on silent or on "Do Not Disturb" mode.  Answering a call or stopping to send a text is not a welcomed yoga practice. Do you recall a pose called  Upward-Disruptive Yogi?  

2.   Be on time for class.  Yoga instructors and attendees are ready to begin at a certain time.  Planning the yoga class choreography and maximizing your client's experience takes thought and care.  This planning begins when the yoga class does.  Being on time, not only helps the instructor to deliver the best session but sustains a peaceful vibe for those who were there when class began. 

3.  Enter the studio space as you would enter a quiet sanctuary.  This seems to be a given, but sometimes people forget to be mindful of this or just continue carrying on their conversations.  Pretend the yoga studio is a library or a quiet sanctuary.  Think quiet thoughts, think shhhhhhhh.

4.  Be mindful of others' quest for Zen.  In lieu of the the above tips, we should always keep in mind that we are not taking a private one-on-one class.  There are other yogis there.  Their expectation is to decompress and destress for that hour or hour and a half before they get back into their cars and back into the outside noise.  Let them have their time.

Yoga class is a little slice of heaven.  This is why you go.  You are rewarding your body and mind for a job well-done.  Reap the reward without the ruckus. Namaste, friends!

Click the class schedule link to sign up for your peaceful practice.  Class schedule


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